Rev. Sandra Harrick goes when and wherever Spirit leads her to be part of something amazing.  

The breast archives

The Breast Archives features the formative memories of nine unforgettable women, offering insight into the development of the female psyche. Their stories are funny and sad, touching and absurd, and all are told through the lens of the breasts. By exposing themselves, the women expose, and challenge, all of us. This documentary film is directed and produced by Meagan Murphy.


The Breast Archives 


Reverend Sandra Harrick participated in the documentary film, The Breast Archives, by Meagan Murphy, Director and Producer.

Visit The Breast Archives website for more information.

Child of God

This video I am a Child of God was created for a project called 12 Seconds for Peace with the generous support of amazingly gifted people.  Edited by Erik Ewers, Florentine Films; Music by Matthias (Teese) Gohl, 2 time Oscar winner.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,




More about Child of God

This prayer is a loving gift channeled to me by Jason, my beloved spirit child, in 1974. It has traveled the world being softly spoken in closing circles, classes and workshops to this day. I find that individuals keep this prayer as a comfort to bring gentle closure and find new beginnings. Please allow Jason’s gift of love to touch your heart when in need.  

Child of God

I am a Child of God
I am in God’s light
I am in the power and protection of the Lord
I shall let no evil surround me nor negative energy influence my thoughts
I am a child of God
I am in God’s light
I am in the power and protection of the Lord
And I am allowing all God’s love and source of creation
to flow to me and through me.